Decision Session - Executive Member for Economy and Transport


Tuesday, 12 September 2023




Set out below is a summary of the decisions taken at the meeting of the Decision Session Executive Member for Economy and Transport held on Tuesday, 12 September 2023. The wording used does not necessarily reflect the actual wording that will appear in the minutes.


Members are reminded that, should they wish to call in a decision, notice must be given to Democracy Support Group no later than 4pm on the second working day after this meeting.


If you have any queries about any matters referred to in this decision sheet please contact MargoBudreviciute.



4.               Acknowledgement of Petitions


Resolved: That the Executive Member noted the receipt of the petitions and reviewed the recommendations against each petition below:

     i.        Strensall Cycle Path

·        Note that connecting Strensall with Huntington and Earswick has provisionally been identified as a priority route as part of the Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan.

    ii.        Haxby Moor Road Resurface

·        Due to the condition and priority of an intervention, no action would be taken in terms of the scheduled highway maintenance programme currently. An inspection of the condition would be undertaken and any reactive maintenance required would be delivered.

  iii.        Stockton-on-the-Forest Resurface

·        Due to the condition and priority of an intervention, no action would be taken in terms of the scheduled highway maintenance programme currently. An inspection of the condition would be undertaken and any reactive maintenance required would be delivered.

  iv.        Improve Road Safety - Hopgrove, York A1036 Malton Road

·        More detailed work on measure was requested and would be considered as part of the Transport Capital Programme in 2024/25.

   v.        Farrar Street ResPark

·        That the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list was approved and the extent of the potential consultation area was considered when it reaches the top of the list.

  vi.        Garrow Hill Avenue, petition for inclusion in the Residents Parking Zone

·        That the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list was approved and the extent of the potential consultation area was considered when it reaches the top of the list.

 vii.        Removal of Race Day Barriers on the Junctions of Albermarle and Count de Burgh with Queen Victoria Street in South Bank

·        Note that the Council would engage with residents and Ward Councillors to review traffic management in the area ahead to the next race season.

Reason: To respond to residents’ concerns and implement, if possible, the appropriate measure.




5.               Annual Review of Traffic Regulation Order Requests



i.     That each item in the Annexes A to U, with the exception of G2, be progressed as per the Officer recommendations listed.

ii.    That Annex G2 be advertised at a greater length and progressed to the statutory consultation process to amend the Traffic Regulation Order.

Reason: To provide the Council with the opportunity to progress the proposals to the Statutory Consultation for the amendment of the TRO, which is a legal requirement.




6.               Moving Traffic Offence Enforcement Consultation Responses (Part 6 Traffic Management Act 2004)



             i.        That the findings of the public consultation be noted:

·        The feedback was supportive of the application to share measures with North Yorkshire Police on moving traffic offences under part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004.

·        The feedback was supportive of a pilot scheme on Micklegate.

            ii.        That it be noted that on the basis of the positive response to the consultation, the Director for Transport, Environment and Planning will apply to the Department for Transport to take on the responsibilities for enforcement of part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 as per the delegation in the April 2022 report.

          iii.        That it be delegated to the Director of Environment, Transport and Planning for the implementation of the pilot to enforce the one-way Micklegate traffic restriction. This will be funded from existing Transport budgets. This is following the Officer Decision to commence the consultation exercise and change the location from Lendal to Micklegate for the reasons in the officer decision report.

Reason: To ensure the safety of the Highway network is further strengthened




7.               Response to Granary Estate Road Adoption Petition



             i.                That the issues which hindered the adoption process be noted.

            ii.                That the actions taken by Council officers to date to seek to resolve those issues be noted.

          iii.                That the Executive Member support continued efforts by officers of the Council to find a solution to the issues, working with Persimmon, Redrow and Yorkshire Water.

          iv.                That a meeting with the ward Councillors, Persimmon, Redrow and Yorkshire Water be held.

Reason: to update the Executive Member and petitioners on the role of the Council and progress in resolving the issues.




8.               Speed Limit Traffic Regulation Order Amendments - Pre Consultation



             i.        That the statutory consultation process for the following sites be deferred:

·        New Lane, Huntington

·        North Lane, Huntington

·        Dunnington

            ii.        That no further action be taken on the New Road, Hessay proposal.

          iii.        That the statutory consultation process for A59 Boroughbridge Road be approved.

          iv.        That an Experimental Traffic Order subject to further analysis on permanent speed change be implemented for Bishopthorpe.

           v.        That it be noted that as part of the review of a new Local Transport Plan the issue of speeds can be reviewed in a wider policy context and that could form part of the consultation on Local Transport Strategy

Reason: To consider citizen requests and consider against the Department for Transport guidance and Police views alongside the Councils own policies.




9.               Speed Limit Traffic Regulation Order Amendments (Post Public Consultation)



             i.        That the revised speed limit as advertised for the following sites be implemented:

·        Haxby Road (Clarence Gardens) - 20mph

·        Wetherby Road Rufforth (Primary School) - 20mph

Reason: There were indications are these were appropriate speed limits due to the surrounding environment.

            ii.        That the revised speed limit for Montague Road and Keble Park Estates be deferred.

Reason: To await the outcome of the Bishopthorpe Experimental Traffic Order as detailed in agenda item 8.

          iii.        That no further action be taken in the following sites:

·        Sutton Road, Wigginton

·        Bradley Lane, Rufforth

Reason: The existing speed limits were appropriate due to the surrounding environment.

